Agromus Trading and Consulting FZ LLC
Autoparts wholesale supply
  • 700 K AED
    Required capital
  • 50%
    Yearly forecast project profitability
  • 30%
    Company shares secured
  • 6 months
    Minimal time of Investment
Project brief
Wholesale supplier of automotive spare parts from Europe to Asia and CIS countries within the framework of concluded contracts with bona fide and well-known local car dealers in their countries increases working capital
Project verification
  • Buyers
    Well-known, reputable local car dealers in Asia and CIS countries
    1-year contracts concluded. Verifed by Auditors. Common contracts value is 20 000 000 Euro
  • Sellers
    Well-known, reputable German and Croatia spare parts distributors. 1 year contract concluded. Verified by Auditors.
  • Insurance
    Deliveries are insured along the entire logistics route
  • Secure
    The investor is transferred 30 % of the company's shares. Current assets of the company - goods in the amount of AED 1,500,000